Sky News Arabia launches a new Arabic business platform

Sky News Arabia launches a new Arabic business platform

Abu Dhabi, Business News: Sky News Arabia today launched a new digital platform, covering breaking business news, and providing insightful economic analysis and in-depth reporting for Arab speakers across the globe.

Youssef Tsouri

Launched in response to consumer demand for objective and actionable economic intelligence and insights, Sky News Arabia’s dedicated business platform informs industry leaders and decision-makers, as well as providing Arab youth with relevant global news that has an impact on their world and their future. will cover all areas of the economy and business across industries including energy and oil, tourism, real estate, agriculture, commodity production, international trade exchange, global supply chains and other topics including financial technology, virtual assets, and cryptocurrencies. It will also include updates on economic news that impact daily lives, including fluctuations in the prices of assets, stocks, bonds, and other financial investments. The content will be delivered through qualitative reports, short videos, and exclusive interviews. 

The new business platform presents complex data in a modern, accessible, and easily digestible manner, with a diverse selection of charts, infographics, and digital videos featuring the most prominent economic events impacting the world. It has been designed with ease of use in mind to ensure our target audiences can quickly identify and action the information that is relevant to them.

Youssef Tsouri, Head of News at Sky News Arabia said: “The launch of reflects Sky News Arabia’s commitment to provide our audiences with the economic news and analysis they need. We are witnessing an increasing demand for business news at a time when the whole world is in greater need of this genre of information. Our aim is to provide fast and accurate reporting to our viewers and deliver our brand promise to be ‘Your reliable source of economic information’.”

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